Why impact investing needs more LGBTQ+ voices

IE Chief Investment Officer Priya Parrish writes, in an op-ed for New Private Markets: Despite significant policy wins, such as gay marriage and legislative progress in providing equal rights to LGBTQ+ families, LBGTQ+ workers and entrepreneurs are still at a distinct disadvantage in the workplace. It’s not just the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation cropping up in Florida and elsewhere. Only 25 states have laws that explicitly codify against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. And as recently as a 2019, 15 states argued before the Supreme Court that workplace discrimination against these groups should be permitted.

It’s hard to build social capital if you’re essentially forced to hide who you really are at work, lie to your colleagues or avoid certain networking opportunities. That needs to change.

We had an amazing time at our Annual General Meeting last week in Chicago, connecting with LPs and some leaders from our portfolio. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Impact Entrepreneur's Laurie Lane-Zucker sat down with IE CEO Jessica Droste Yagan recently for a video interview. The two talked particularly about how we evaluate potential investments and funds, as well as the future of the impact investing industry. "Unlocking all of your assets for impact. You know, 5-10 years ago, that was not even really on the table," Jessica says. "This idea that it's not crazy. How could we all do that?"

Array Behavioral Care, the virtual psychiatry and therapy practice, is teaming up with nonprofit Common Ground to support a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services crisis intervention pilot program. The goal is to equip patients with mental health support, as well as to assist patients with a comprehensive post-discharge plan.

Elvie, the pioneering FemTech device company, is expanding its offerings to include digital health software. Their new iPhone app, Elvie Strong, is designed to support women's pelvic floor health, particularly postpartum. In the US, as many as 79% of mothers experience pelvic floor impairment after giving birth.

Measurabl, the real estate ESG data cruncher, is partnering with analytics firm Preqin to offer an expanded suite of environmental information nearly 100,000 privately held properties on Preqin’s platform. The move expands Measurabl's already-considerable reach, which already covers more than 18 billion square feet of real estate across 90+ countries.