By Sophia Friedman, Vice President for Health Equity
There are ~7.5M children with a diagnosed disability in the U.S., and special education (“SPED”) learners make up 15% of the total US student population. The number of SPED students has been growing since before the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to grow as more students are diagnosed earlier and need multiple services. Students with disabilities have been federally mandated to receive customized school support since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was passed in 1975. The IDEA law requires schools to meet Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) requirements for children with disabilities. Children who fall under IDEA are put on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that legally requires them to have specialized instruction in their Least Restrictive Environment. As part of an IEP, students can receive specialized instruction, performance tracking & interventions, paraprofessional support and ancillary services such as speech, occupational and physical therapy. All of these services require specialized clinical staff. However, schools are structurally and operationally unable to hire clinicians to meet the demand for SPED students. As a result, outsourced vendors have increasingly been tapped to fill the supply gap.
Unison Therapy Services provides therapeutic services in Pre-K through 12 school- and community- based settings via over 190 school district partners and 12 community clinics in California and Colorado. The Company is a multi-disciplinary provider of services for children with developmental delays, autism, social and emotional developmental needs and behavioral challenges. The company currently offers services across California and Colorado, and its suite of offerings include behavior, speech, mental health, psychology, education and OT/PT.
Why We Invested
Unison Therapy Services fills a critical need for therapeutic services for students that schools are unable to fill themselves and in communities where clinician supply does not meet patient demand. While schools are federally mandated to fill certain speech, behavioral, and other therapeutic service roles, these are extremely specialized and hard to staff for, leaving schools to look to outsourced vendors to fulfill federally mandated requirements. Unison Therapy Services has a competitive advantage over others in this space in recruiting and retaining talent given their focus on competitive compensation, professional development and better matching of clinicians with districts. Further, the highly fragmented school-based market presents an opportunity for significant organic and inorganic growth. Relative to other players, Unison Therapy Services has a unique ability to provide a faster time to hire / fill school needs, maintain high quality of services and provide a diverse line of services.
Currently, school districts are unable to hire and properly staff roles to address the needs of their SPED students. As more students are qualifying for IEPs and increasingly need multiple types of support services, there is a greater need for school-based clinicians to meet this demand. However, districts are unable to properly fill gaps as they are often unable to replace in-house staff that leave due to the specialized nature of the clinicians, the unionized nature of in-house staff (and resulting inability to match clinician pay rates). Attempts to innovate around insourcing talent strategies at school districts have largely fallen flat.
As a result, Unison Therapy Services has significant impact potential as the platform helps support SPED students. Key impact & ESG merits include:
Clinician-founded company that has successfully scaled in California providing on-site care to SPED students in both school-based as well as community-based settings.
Improves access to high-quality therapeutic and behavioral health service offerings in markets where supply-demand mismatch leaves students without sufficient clinical resources.
Community business targets underserved students, in rural and urban areas, who need affordable access to special education care.
Enhances the quality of care to an underserved student base.
Creates value by prioritizing organization, care coordination, data analytics and operating efficiency.