Why We Invested

Slang: Why We Invested

By Ander Iruretagoyena and Tasha Seitz

In today’s society there are over 59 zettabytes of information. Despite its impressive size, the fact that this global knowledge base is primarily encoded in English (i.e., 90%+ of scientific research is published in English) means that the over 6.6B non-English speakers have limited access to technical know-how, innovation, and new developments that occur worldwide. For expanding businesses, young graduates, scientists, researchers, and immigrants, English proficiency is an essential gateway to economic opportunity as it broadens horizons, lowers barriers, and speeds information exchange. As more and more multinational companies like Airbus, Samsung, Daimler-Chrysler, etc., mandate English as the common corporate language, the incentives to learn English have never been greater, and the demand for talent with English proficiency far outpaces supply.  However, access to acquiring professionally relevant English skills has been persistently limited by a lack of tailored, flexible and affordable upskilling resources.

In the United States, which has always been a polyglot nation, low levels of English proficiency are the most significant risk factor for underemployment. In a recent study examining the costs of untapped talent, it was found that within the immigrant population, those who reported speaking English “not well” or “not at all” were five times more likely to be in low-skilled jobs than those who speak English natively. As another data point, the 20 million Americans with limited English proficiency who comprise over 10% of the working age population in the US, earn 25-40% less than their English proficient counterparts.

Although there are many English-learning solutions on the market, traditional curricula cannot address the professional knowledge gap because they typically only teach conversational English or generic “business” English. 


Slang provides an adaptive, digital, ML-driven language-learning platform focused on professional English. This groundbreaking software tailors language learning to specific roles and professional vocabulary (e.g., accounting, maintenance, customer service) each of which may require a different level of emphasis on writing, speaking, reading and listening skills. Its innovative, learner-centric approach encompasses every domain of specialized English and provides meaningful access to global knowledge. For prices as low as $6/month, a Slang subscription makes specialized English much more accessible to students and workers in low- to middle-income categories. Organizations that might, in the past, have reserved English training for those in top management due to the high costs of domain-specific in-person classes and tutoring, can now expand a catalytic benefit to all individuals. The company is currently targeting Latin American markets, specifically Colombia, Brazil and Mexico, with plans to expand to the US market.

Why We Invested

English language learning is a $15B market in the Americas and $98B worldwide. In Slang, we saw a large opportunity, a company armed with a unique and defensible competitive advantage, and a mission-oriented team led by Diego Villegas. Diego is a non-native English speaker from Colombia. Prior to founding Slang, he was the founder and CEO of MASA, a Colombia-based technical services business that grew to 5,000 employees and $200M in revenues and was acquired by a European based-multinational. In the post-acquisition integration, Diego saw many of his employees get laid off because of their lack of English proficiency, which motivated him and Kamran Khan, an MIT-trained AI expert, to found Slang.

The focus on professional English differentiates Slang from the myriad of general language solutions in the market. Slang is architected and designed to rapidly deploy new knowledge domains and languages.  While the initial curriculum was designed to teach English to Spanish speakers, the company was, in a matter of weeks, able to quickly add support for Portuguese speakers in order to launch in the Brazilian market. Additionally, the team is focused on user experience and committed to positively impacting the economic well-being of workers, which has driven outsized NPS scores relative to industry averages. 


We believe that Slang has the ability to remove the barriers preventing many low-  moderate-income workers from accessing career opportunities within the knowledge economy. Slang’s professional English solution should drive increased upward mobility and higher employability, along with higher productivity and career-related knowledge in three main ways:

  1. Expansion of access to knowledge: as workers’ English proficiency improves, they are able to access a wider range of high-quality content, including training and professional development courses, technical and reference manuals, and scientific research. 

  2. Leveling the playing field for a global workforce: as English has become the lingua franca for business, improving the professional English skills of workers enables businesses of all sizes to participate more effectively in the global economy and drive better economic outcomes for workers, businesses, and countries.

  3. Narrowing the knowledge gap between employee classes at the companies they serve: the affordability, flexibility, and specificity of Slang’s solution results in more training options even for blue-collar or nonexecutive roles, which traditionally don’t have access to English training.

Workit Health: Why We Invested

By: Priya Parrish, Ander Iruretagoyena

There are an estimated 48M Americans that are addicts across Alcohol Use Disorder (“AUD”, 19M), Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”, 3M), and Substance Abuse Disorder (“SUD”, 26M). This ongoing epidemic has caused drug overdose deaths to triple since 1990 with a 600% increase in opioid-related overdose deaths in the last decade alone. Today 1 in 4 deaths is attributable to these problems and it costs the U.S. economy over $600 billion every year. Perhaps most tragically, due to the high costs, social stigmas and embarrassment, only 4% or 2M of those suffering from an abuse disorder actually seek treatment. Typical options for treatment include traditional inpatient and outpatient treatments that are costly and inaccessible. On the other hand, most digital solutions lack the comprehensive treatment steps necessary to achieve results for patients.


Workit Health (“Workit”) offers an on-demand, end-to-end virtual solution for addiction treatment that includes all the key components of evidence-based care: intake / consultations, tele-counseling, tele-nursing, home drug testing, tele-group work, courses, prescriptions, and content. The company’s user-centric design and scalable technology successfully intervenes and changes members’ behaviors before a crisis results, while avoiding the high costs, stigmas and embarrassment that prevents patients from seeking treatment. Workit’s model has proven effective for patients with a 90% retention and adherence rate compared to a 39% industry average. The program is also accessible, with traditional inpatient and outpatient treatments costing ~7x and ~34x more than Workit.

Why We Invested

Workit’s industry leader status is driven by its intentionally accessible and evidence-based treatment that attracts commercial health plans and Medicare/Medicaid. The company’s retention & adherence rates and high customer satisfaction rates (68 NPS) are driving impressive growth in revenue per member, patient membership, and high LTV/CAC ratios. Workit is currently in 10 states and plans to use this capital raise to facilitate national expansion while remaining independent. In the 5+ years we have known Workit (IE Ventures I initially invested in Workit in 2016), this female-led executive team (Robin McIntosh & Lisa Mclaughlin) have more than proven themselves and brings prior entrepreneurial experience, expertise in healthcare, personal experiences with addiction and have successfully built the company with an impact-driven competitive moat. Since inception, their core focus has been on outcomes and to provide a user experience in-tune with patients’ needs.


With Workit, we believe that a platform that provides dynamic tailored content plus access to on demand coaching & medical care, will lead to a reduction in use of narcotics or alcohol for individuals who have addictive behaviors, leading to better health outcomes and a lower overall cost of healthcare. A 2019 longitudinal study showed that 67% of Workit patients reported reduction in usage and 87.6% an increased quality of life. Workit’s app is highly rated with a 4.7 rating with 500+ reviews and 9 out of every 10 customers would recommend Workit to a friend. As the company undergoes national expansion, we are excited that the company will have increased access to more real-time retention data and that retention is directly tied to revenues, marrying financial and impact returns.

Zero Waste Recycling: Why We Invested

By Chris Wu

Global waste generation is expected to increase 70 percent by 2050, faster than any other environmental pollutant, which is why UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 aims to substantially reduce waste generation through reduction, recycling and reuse. The International Solid Waste Association estimates that when all waste management actions are considered, the waste sector could cut up to 15% of GHG emissions globally. In response, companies like Samsung, Apple and Subaru are increasingly setting ambitious waste reduction and landfill diversion goals as part of their corporate sustainability plans. Enabling the circular economy by reusing and recycling as much material and waste as possible is an important component of implementing an effective corporate waste management plan, but it can be difficult and complex for companies to execute a holistic strategy given that waste is tied to virtually every aspect of a company’s operations. 


Zero Waste Recycling (“ZWR”) is an industrial services and recycling business offering outsourced waste stream management services to manufacturing operations in the Southeastern U.S. ZWR is a full-service, one-stop solution provider helping manufacturers recycle or divert up to 100% of their operational waste. They provide a variety of environmental services for their corporate clients including onsite waste collection and sorting, 24/7 waste transportation and hauling, and recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic, cardboard, and paper. While 75% of America’s waste stream is recyclable, companies also need solutions to help manage the remaining solid waste that is non-recyclable. ZWR offers their clients the ability to convert this waste into energy, which is considered a renewable energy source. ZWR also owns and operates their own solidification pits, which means they are able to accept non-hazardous liquid sludge waste from their clients and mix it with water and a binding agent to form hardened solid blocks. Once solidified, they can then be shipped offsite to waste-to-energy facilities. 

Why We Invested

ZWR has a proven leadership team made up of industry veterans who have successfully built and sold two recycling operations. They have demonstrated strong customer satisfaction and competitive differentiation, as demonstrated by their multi-year contracts with several blue-chip corporates. We are also excited about the multiple dimensions of impact that this investment offers. The company itself has a clear focus or mission on environmental sustainability and is riding strong industry tailwinds driven by the increase in zero waste corporate sustainability goals. There is also a compelling social impact for ZWR’s employees; our investment supports an employee ownership transaction via an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”). The transaction effectively transfers ownership to ALL employees of ZWR at no cost to employees. In addition to potential for wealth generation typically unattainable for most employees, ESOP companies have also shown evidence of greater job stability and worker productivity. If you’re interested in learning more about employee ownership as an emerging impact thesis, you can check out the article my colleague Priya Parrish recently wrote about closing the wealth gap with alternative ownership structures.   


Environmental Sustainability: ZWR helps manufacturing companies meet their landfill diversion goals and extend the useful life of materials in their waste stream. Almost all of ZWR’s clients have commitments related to sustainability and waste diversion. ZWR’s nested employee approach, where ZWR employees are embedded onsite daily at their client’s facilities, has a significant impact on their ability to achieve these outcomes more quickly and effectively. For example, ZWR has already helped one of their manufacturing clients recycle over 500 tons of waste, conserve over 350,000 kWh of energy, and divert over 2,000 cubic yards of waste from landfill. Their long-term partnerships and full-service capabilities can also support the adoption of more aggressive sustainability goals over time. By reducing the overall amount of waste that goes into landfills, they are reducing their client’s costs associated with waste disposal which offsets the additional expense of sending their non-recyclable waste to be recovered as energy (the next preferred solution in the EPA waste hierarchy after reduction, reuse, and recycling).

Economic Opportunity: Wealth inequality continues to grow in the US as economic gains accrue to the holders of capital rather than the labor providers. There has been renewed focus nationally on wages to address income inequality, however that does not address the “Wealth Gap” - 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Employees that participate in an ESOP have been shown to have 92% higher median household net wealth and 2.5x greater retirement accounts than non-employee owners. Over 90% of ZWR’s employee base are individuals from underrepresented groups and come from low-to-moderate income (LMI) households. ZWR employees are ultimately expected to have an average ESOP account balance that is greater than 3x their annual salary, a clear indication that the ESOP structure can enable significant wealth accumulation for employees and allows them to share in the value creation of the company.

HourWork: Why We Invested

By Ander Iruretagoyena and Tasha Seitz

There are 80 million hourly workers in the US, representing 56.7% of the workforce, of which 15 million work in the restaurant industry. Despite these large numbers, SMBs and employers with shift workers are understaffed 50% of the time and they bear over $155B in costs of finding, retaining and training hourly workers. Besides these material costs, severe understaffing can lead to overworked employees, who tend to suffer from higher levels of stress, leading to decreased productivity, increased turnover, and higher incidences of workplace accidents. Workers themselves are struggling with a plethora of issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic including confusing job application processes and declines in job stability, safety and work satisfaction. 

Former workers represent an important opportunity to combat these challenges. More than 60% of hourly workers leave their jobs on good terms, 50% are interested in picking up shifts to earn supplemental income, and another 15% are interested in being rehired into full-time or part-time roles. Hiring former employees means workers can be productive on day one.


HourWork’s initial product is a network of hourly workers for the restaurant industry, allowing employers to reach and engage former employees and applicants to fill existing part-time and full-time roles as well as picking up shifts to generate supplemental income. Its SaaS workforce solution helps managers achieve their labor goals by reducing costs, improving compliance, and increasing engagement. 

In addition, HourWork plans to build out stackable certifications to enable workers to build their skills through on-the-job training and improve their earning potential. Furthermore, by granting workers the ability to provide reviews of their former workplaces, HourWork is creating an opportunity for owners and managers to improve work culture and environments. HourWork’s vision is the liquid universal workforce designed to save the American Dream for the 80 million shift-based workers in the US.

Why We Invested

Staffing challenges are a top priority for restaurant owners/operators, and a shortage of workers is leading restaurants and other small businesses to close or limit their capacity because they do not have enough employees to serve the resurging demand. Furthermore, although HourWork has achieved impressive initial traction within the QSR category , there is significant opportunity to expand beyond QSR to fast casual, food services, home health care, retail, and other industries that heavily rely on hourly workers. Once the company has built a critical mass of hourly workers, HourWork can start to expand its offerings to benefit workers, including stackable credentials and portable benefits. 

The founding team at HourWork has proven themselves to be learning oriented, mission driven, and committed to the well being of the hourly worker. They have surrounded themselves with a board of directors who shares in this mission and Rahkeem Morris’ (CEO & Co-Founder) impressive background and involvement in the board of trustees for a local community college lends credibility to his ability to continue building on the impact of this business. Rahkeem is also in a position to recommend policies as a member of the 17-person Massachusetts special commission to study the Future of Work ​​that was established as part of the 2020 economic development and jobs bill signed into law in January 2021.


We believe that HourWork has the ability to make a positive impact by empowering worker lives and helping redefine the future of work. In addition to creating more job stability and opportunities for supplemental income, HourWork plans to impact hourly workers along three other dimensions:

  1. Universal stackable certificates: guide shift-based workers to greater economic opportunity through credentialing skills learned through on-the-job training and enabling a platform that allows workers to use those skills anywhere that will accept them. Certificates are stacked to unlock different income opportunities and eventually stack with certificates earned from accredited educational institutions.

  2. Financial and portable benefits management: give workers a tool for personal financial management designed for the future of work, inclusive of a platform for portable benefits for workers that provides improved financial stability and outcomes.

  3. Employment “passport” and matching: virtually eliminate all barriers to hire, enabling workers to instantly obtain additional income from “good jobs” enabled through a feedback mechanism to owners and managers on their workplace environment and culture. Instantaneous hiring and feedback are designed to fuel a virtuous cycle where employers drive improvements in their culture and practices.

Brightcore Energy: Why We Invested

By Chris Wu and Clara Purk

Emissions from residential and commercial buildings account for 29% of total US greenhouse gas emissions. Total energy consumption by this sector makes up 40% of total US energy consumption, with 60% of utility-scale electricity generation coming from fossil fuels. As a result, any successful climate mitigation strategy must focus on reducing emissions from the built environment. Energy efficiency programs and onsite renewable energy installations are some of the most cost-effective ways for buildings to cut emissions, as they also reduce energy costs for building owners. Many cities and states are committing to ambitious climate action plans, implementing stricter building energy efficiency and clean energy standards and offering incentive programs for energy efficiency and renewables, providing strong regulatory tailwinds for companies driving improved energy efficiency.



Brightcore Energy (“Brightcore”) is an “efficiency as a service” company providing project development, implementation and funding for a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofits for commercial and institutional (“C&I”) customers. Its product offerings include LED lighting, solar PV, and geothermal, with targeted growth in battery storage, EV charging, and other renewable solutions. Brightcore's implementation services include project development, engineering and design, permitting, interconnection, procurement, installation, maintenance and service. In addition, the expansion of its sustainable financing capabilities enable Brightcore to act as a capital provider for customers and finance efficiency and clean energy projects at $0 upfront cost.

Why We Invested

Since it began operating in 2016, Brightcore has built a strong reputation for delivering efficiency projects with over 150+ projects completed and 76,100 metric tons of GHG avoided. The company’s leadership team has a proven track record of executing in this market, with co-CEOs Rob Krugel and Konstantin Braun having worked together for 20+ years running a C&I solar PV developer and working in structured finance. We believe Brightcore’s strategic positioning in the Northeast will enable it to take advantage of the growing market for efficiency and renewable energy projects in key states. For example, New York City’s Local Law 97 sets increasingly stringent limits on carbon emissions for approximately 50,000 buildings in order to meet NYC's required 40% citywide emissions reductions by 2030 (from a 2005 baseline). New York state’s RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) requires that 100% of the energy that utilities sell must come from renewable resources by 2040 and New Jersey must reach 50% by 2030. Similarly, RPS policy goals have been set in many states throughout the country, including MA, PA, CT, CO, and CA. Brightcore’s sustainable financing strategy, enabled by this funding led by SER Capital Partners, will further its competitive advantage in this increasingly crowded market.


We believe that Brightcore has the ability to make a positive impact on climate change and the environment by improving energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuel consumption within the built environment. LED lighting projects reduce electricity usage by about 60-70% while also addressing waste, as the lifespan of an LED light is 50-100x that of an incandescent bulb. Solar PV reduces the reliance on fossil fuels and offsets the emissions required to create and install a project within a year of operation, on average. Continued expansion of geothermal energy will replace old boilers that burn fuel oil or gas with a clean, renewable energy source by drawing heat from below ground. Installing more battery storage systems will help make the energy grid more resilient by shifting load to off-peak hours and displacing dirty gas and oil-fired peaker plants, enabling further reduction in GHG emissions within the built environment, helping cities meet their sustainability goals.

Traxen: Why We Invested

By Elizabeth Coston McCluskey and Tasha Seitz

More than 70% of goods shipped in the US are transported via truck, representing 11.84 billion tons. Long haul trucking is a massive source of fuel consumption: the International Council on Clean Transportation estimates that tractor trucks represent 71% of all fuel consumed by heavy-duty vehicles. Fuel also represents a significant portion of the operating cost for trucking and logistics, at 24%, second only to labor costs. As engines and aerodynamics have become more fuel efficient over time, driver behavior has become a more significant factor determining fuel consumption. A study conducted by the American Trucking Associations’ (ATA) Technology and Maintenance Council found a 35% difference between most efficient and least efficient drivers based on speed, acceleration, braking and route selection. 


Traxen provides a cloud-connected intelligent cruise control system that assists drivers to reduce fuel consumption during highway driving while improving safety & drivability. Using sensors that can be retrofitted onto existing trucks combined with data on weather conditions, high definition maps, estimates of internal loads, and projected traffic, Traxen can manage a truck’s speed from end to end to optimize for safety and fuel efficiency. 

Why We Invested

The founding team and board at Traxen is steeped in the industry and the problem they are addressing, with backgrounds in autonomous driving, electrification and connected vehicles. The team’s vision is to enable a pathway for trucking and logistics companies to realize the benefits of autonomous vehicles as technology and policy evolves. While it is early, there are strong indications regarding the effectiveness of the technology: a third party study verified by the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE) showed an average 7% improvement in fuel efficiency in a side-by-side comparison for trucks carrying identical loads along a typical long haul route. 


There is potential for compelling environmental impact given that long haul trucking is such a significant means of freight transportation and consumer of fossil fuels, and long haul is likely to be the last segment in trucking to adopt electric vehicles given challenges related to charging infrastructure and range. A conservative, “back of the envelope” analysis suggests that a 5% improvement in fuel efficiency would translate to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 million metric tons/year in the US, or the equivalent of taking more than 5 million cars off the road. 

OnlineMedEd: Why We Invested

By Ander Iruretagoyena and Priya Parrish

Medical doctors and other healthcare professionals play a vital role in society, as COVID-19 has reminded us all. While the United States is a leader in educating doctors, there is a global need for well-trained physicians and healthcare infrastructure to deliver high-quality care. At the same time, the medical field offers prospects of high quality, well paid, and stable jobs for those who can break into the competitive job market through rigorous academic training. However, due to the systemic limitations of the current medical education model, there is a significant lack of diversity among medical professionals. In the U.S., for example, 6% of active physicians are Latino, 5% are Black, and 36% are Female. Specifically, the lack of diversity among faculty (predominantly White (63.9%) and Male (58.6%)) and unequal resources across schools to support students with rigorous coursework, disadvantages students of diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Compounded with the detrimental effects of implicit bias in delivering care to racial and gender minorities, there is a meaningful opportunity to help narrow the disparities in health outcomes.


OnlineMedEd (OME) is a global digital healthcare learning platform for aspiring and practicing healthcare professionals. Currently, more than 86% of medical students in the United States use OME to supplement knowledge needed to pass their board exams, as well as in their clinical practice. 250,000 monthly active users learn from the platform, while an average of 50,000 are global users in 191 countries. 

Growth among international users has grown 50% as OnlineMedEd has proven its ability to create effective supplementary curriculum beyond medical school walls. Over the past year, OME launched its Crash Course suite of free online video tutorials to more than 30,000 redeployed health care providers helping during the pandemic. The company has also transitioned medical school faculty online, and is a natural partner to support institutions in the transition towards active digital-enabled learning. 

Built by founders with medical education experience, the platform is centered around the PACE (Prime, Acquire, Challenge, Enforce) pedagogical method. For each lesson, students have access to: 

  • Prime: Lesson overviews, companion notes, diagrams and key takeaways

  • Acquire: Peer-reviewed video lectures comprehensively covering the topic and contextualizing within the broader curriculum 

  • Challenge: Board-style questions or quizzes; additional video-based explanations for Q&A 

  • Enforce: Digital Flashcards for review, automatically set to a study calendar based on memory science

Why We Invested

OnlineMedEd’s platform has attained a leading market share, strong user engagement, and favorable brand preference in the traditional medical school market for supplementary education. With its freemium business model, the company is already democratizing access to medical careers by helping students graduate from rigorous programs and succeed as practicing physicians.

The Company originally served 3rd and 4th year medical students, but in the past two years, OnlineMedEd has invested to expand content to address 1st and 2nd year students, creating a full digital medical curriculum. This foundational success positions OME well to expand into a multi billion-dollar addressable market across adjacent verticals (e.g. Nurse Practitioners, PAs, and Dental), geographies, and the complete student lifecycle.

We also see an opportunity for OnlineMedEd to support the development of the next generation of healthcare providers that more fully represent the populations they serve. To do this, OME is partnering with medical schools and other educational institutions to provide its premium content to all students. With effective supplementary content, students from all backgrounds and in schools across tiers and geographies will enter the job market to serve rural and urban communities globally.


Given its reach, Impact Engine believes OnlineMedEd has an immense opportunity to help increase representation in the medical field in order to actively combat widening health outcome disparities. In addition to its intentionally accessible product, OME is also ensuring diverse representation in patient and practitioner case studies to create more inclusivity within medical schools. Impact Engine’s involvement will focus on strengthening these efforts and exploring new drivers of impact, such as implicit bias training curriculum and programs to increase the diversity of students enrolling in medical school.

Market Wagon: Why We Invested

By Elizabeth Coston McCluskey and Tasha Seitz

Consumers today are more aware than ever of where their food comes from, and they are concerned about food safety, transparency, and access to local supply. Sales of locally produced foods in the US grew from $5 billion in 2008 to $12 billion in 2014 and was expected to reach $20 billion in 2019. However, the current grocery system in the US was built to serve 20th century needs. In a pre-digital era, stores focused on consolidation and centralization in order to maximize efficiency. Today, that means that mainstream retailers carry a limited amount of local food. Prominent retailers like Walmart only carry 11% local-sourced produce, and even progressive stores like Whole Foods may only have 20% local offerings. Local food producers are looking for new ways to sell to consumers who are increasingly interested in connecting directly with their food sources.


Market Wagon is an online farmer’s market that shortens the food supply chain by sourcing and distributing local food directly to consumers. Their platform enables farmers to connect directly with end consumers, creating a direct supply chain. The direct interactions between consumers and producers allows them to develop relationships and to build trust. Farmers have profiles on the site that promote brand content, list product information such as pricing and availability, and facilitate direct interaction via Q&A. Consumers are able to search by category across multiple suppliers and combine selections into a single online order, creating a true alternative supply chain to grocery retailers. The company requires vendors to fulfill customer orders at central distribution facilities, and uses a distributed labor pool to complete last mile deliveries. This enables the logistics model to remain capital-light and scalable. 

Why We Invested

The co-founders have extremely relevant and complementary backgrounds. Nick Carter, the CEO, grew up on a farm in Indiana before becoming a tech founder. Daniel Brunner, the COO, has deep experience with grocery operations and supply chains from his time as VP of Grocery Solutions at Kiva Systems (acquired by Amazon). Market Wagon has demonstrated very strong momentum and growth. Prior to COVID they achieved 200% growth Y/Y. Since COVID, they have been able to capitalize on disruptions to food supply chains and consumer preferences to expand even faster. The company has taken a thoughtful approach to launching in new markets thus far. In February of this year they had 6 locations, all in Ohio and Indiana. That number more than tripled to 20 locations in 8 states across the Midwest since then. This funding round will be used in part to fuel their next phase of geographic expansion.


Local food sold directly to consumers more than doubled from $1.3 billion in revenue in 2007 up to $2.8 billion in 2017. According to the USDA over 163,000 farms in the US market their foods locally. Of these farms, 70% reported that direct-to-consumer (DTC) was their only sales channel. Small farms (less than $50,000 in gross annual sales) account for 81% of all farms reporting local food sales in 2008. DTC is a crucial marketing channel for these small businesses, traditionally in the form of farmers markets and community supported agriculture (CSA) agreements. Many local food producers have been forced to adapt as both in-person farmers markets and restaurants have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Market Wagon gives local food producers a new and potentially more efficient channel by offering an online marketplace to sell directly to consumers. 

In addition to the economic benefits for local food producers, local foods have been linked to a variety of other benefits such as enhancing the rural economy, increasing access to healthy and nutritious food, as well as improving the environment.